What grade levels do you offer at your campuses?
Ave Maria Helotes serves children PreK-12th grades. Ave Maria Alamo Ranch serves children PreK-8th. Special Education classes with a trained teacher are available 4 days per week Mon-Thu for grades 3rd-8th. Children with special needs may participate in any extracurricular classes and social activities.
Do I have to be currently homeschooling to enroll?
No, both seasoned and first-time homeschooling families are welcomed to enroll.
Do my children have to attend the entire school day?
No, your monthly subscription allows you to take advantage of as many classes as your child needs. Classes are selected a-la-carte and on a first-come-first-serve basis.
Do I have to volunteer?
Yes and no. We are a homeschool co-op and rely heavily on a parent’s ability to volunteer. However, a family may opt-out of volunteering at a fee of $350 per year or $175 per semester. Ave Maria teachers and facilitators are exempt from volunteering unless they desire to do so.
Do you have a drop-off option or do I have to stay on-campus?
Yes, our drop-off option is available for a fee (see Tuition Schedule). There is no drop-off option for children enrolled in PreK-K Little Saints Learning.
Does my family have to be Catholic to join?
Families are not required to be a Catholic to join. Families of all faiths are welcome! Ave Maria Homeschool Academy abides by the Magisterium – the teaching authority given by Christ to the Church and families must be aware that teachers, facilitators, parents, volunteers, staff, and/or students may make references to God, Jesus Christ, Blessed Mother Mary, Saints, the Holy Bible, The Catechism of the Catholic Church, and encourage a life of prayer.
Families are not allowed to promote or encourage lifestyles or practices deemed as sinful by Catholic standards and not in accordance with The Catechism of the Catholic Church or the Magisterium. We believe that God created only man and woman. Individual members will be referred to either “he” or “she” according to their biological gender. Making uncharitable comments to others about their Catholic or other faith affiliation may result in a family’s removal as a member of Ave Maria Homeschool Academy. Persistent uncharitable behavior, comments, or bullying from students, parents, teachers, facilitators, volunteers, or staff, of any religious affiliation will not be tolerated.
Is Ave Maria Homeschool a private school?
No, we are a homeschool co-op as defined by State of Texas Senate Bill 1955 – The Learning Pod Protection Act.
Is Ave Maria Homeschool a Catholic school of the Archdiocese of San Antonio?
Ave Maria Homeschool Academy is not a Catholic school of the Archdiocese of San Antonio. We are a homeschool co-op as defined by State of Texas Senate Bill 1955 – The Learning Pod Protection Act.
Do your teachers and facilitators complete background checks?
Our teachers, facilitators, volunteers, and parents who have contact with students, other than their own children, are required to complete background checks and child safe environment training.
Can I volunteer to teach?
Yes, you can inquire about opportunities to teach or co-teach to fulfill the volunteer requirement or potential employment.
Does Ave Maria Homeschool have uniforms?
Yes, however uniforms are not required.
How many days per week will my children attend?
Your child is only required to attend the specific classes you have selected for them. It is a 32-week school year with holidays that coincide
with NISD. We have 2-day academics and extracurricular classes for PreK-5th at the Alamo Ranch location. The Helotes location has both 2-day academics and extracurricular activities, plus 4-day a week academics for 3rd-8th grades.
Do I need to provide an IEP for my child with special needs?
No, our Special Education professionals will evaluate your child’s needs and create a Service Plan in-house. Your current IEP may be assessed to ensure it is meeting your child’s current special education needs.
What age does my child with special needs have to be to enroll at Ave Maria?
We serve children with special needs at all grade levels using an inclusive model offering accommodation and modifications for any class. Special Education classes with a trained teacher are available 4 days per week Mon-Thu for grades 3rd-8th. Children with special needs may participate in any extracurricular classes and social activities.